Our People
The ICAAHK Executive Committee is committed to serve the Imperial community in Hong Kong.

Message from the Chairman​
2024-2026: Co-creating the local Imperial Community that you love
Dear Imperial College Alumni in Hong Kong,
It is with great honour that I assume the role of Chairman for our esteemed alumni association this term. As we step into a new chapter, my dedication lies in fortifying the Imperial Ties, empowering our members, enhancing our social impact, and fostering sustainable growth in the long run.
Our primary mission is to empower every individual within our network. The Imperial Ties that bind us serve as the foundation for nurturing connections across all age groups and graduating classes, building stronger relationships with Imperial College, and fostering collaborations with industry, academia, and friendly alumni associations throughout Hong Kong and Asia.
In addition to our strong and established network in Engineering and Science, we are excited to announce the addition of a new Business School chapter, marking a significant expansion in our reach and impact. By encompassing a diverse array of disciplines, we aim to create a dynamic and inclusive community that thrives on interdisciplinary collaboration.
Through carefully curated events throughout the year, we aim to fuel the growth and engagement of our members, providing a platform for personal and professional development.
Guided by our commitment to Social Value Creation, we will leverage our resources to drive meaningful change. By uniting our collective expertise, we can make a profound impact within our communities and beyond.
I invite you to join us in shaping this vision and contributing your expertise in our committee, starting with our Co-Ops Recruitment efforts. Your involvement is crucial as we navigate towards a dynamic and prosperous future for our alumni association.
Let's stand united, inspired by our shared heritage and emboldened by our collective strength, as we embark on this exciting journey together.
With Best Wishes,
KC Liu
Chairman of ICAAHK, 2024-2026